Welp. I did it! I finally finally did it! lol. It's been oooh only 5 years in the making but I did it! I graduated nursing school on Monday. As everyone knows, ever since I graduated from UF/Shands with my Radiology degree, I haven't been completely satisfied with my job, although the money was wonderful! ;) So, working, going to school full time, and being on call full time was not easy... but I can finally look back on all those hard times and say bye bye!! they can kiss my hiney! haha! Well... I guess i can't yet. Have to get a job first, but don't think that will be much of a problemo. ;) We'll see though! Even though it's such an accomplishment and I thought that day would NEVER come, I still have a ton of studying ahead of me, because I'm not an RN til I pass those darn national boards. Yikes. Scared? You betya! Nervous?! Oh yeh! Confident... yes of course! I will be passing that board and I will be adding two more letters already behind my trail of letters behind my name! lol Now, all I'll have to add is BSN, MSN, ANP... that's funny when I look at it actually! BUT, I am soooo excited! I don't know what to do with myself! :))) Here's some pics from graduation! The smile on my face is so excited it's cheesy! :)