Wednesday, February 25, 2009

*Life of Love*

I am oh so truly blessed in this life.  I am so amazed at what the Lord has done for me, through ups and downs in recent days and years.  It seems that I have to splash myself in the face with cold water in order for me to realize that this is not a dream...this is life... the life the Lord planned for me.  Today, I am more in love with the Lord than what seems like ever! It hit me today as I was day dreaming at work again at how wonderful the Lord is to me, even when I don't realize it.  Do I deserve his love, his forgiveness, and his blessings in my life? No way. Not me.  But, the Lord has been faithful and has proven his love for me by pulling me through each and every new day.  God's gift of salvation is the greatest blessing of my life.  I can't imagine where I'd be without it! After all and any blessing ever apparent in my life, it makes it so hard to complain... although sometimes I think I have a lot to complain about. And honestly, somehow, I still do find myself complaining. How? Yeh, exactly....I don't know. Well...I find my biggest dilemma these days is school. I am to the point sometimes where I just want to give up. I have pushed myself too hard. I'm taking way too many classes while working way too hard. I'm physically wearing myself out to the point of exhaustion. Is it worth it in the end? Who knows the answer? Except God through his will??! I wish I knew the Lord's will sometimes. But, without the mystery of His will, there would never be any trust. So for now, that's all I can do... trust the favorite verse that has gotten me through anything:
*Psalm 27:14*
"Wait in the Lord, be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord."

It starts!!! :o)

Well I've finally been introduced to the 'wonderful' world of blogging. Ya know it just makes perfect  sense... seeing as to this day, I still write with a pen and paper in my journal.. that only ends up with hand cramps. Plus, this is sooo much faster! I'm sure I'll enjoy wearing my emotions, feelings, and thoughts on my computer sleeve here but hopefully I and anyone else will enjoy it. So here it starts! lol